Muffin Fight: An Alberta Games Story

Muffin Fight, the latest game by Red Iron Labs is releasing February 19th on Steam VR. The game is a frantic VR party game centered around baking muffins and using them to fight.

I got the chance to ask the team what they enjoyed most about working on the game and got to learn about how they all have educations from various Alberta post-secondary institutions.

Launch day will also benefit a local non-profit. Colouring It Forward Reconciliation Society, which is dedicated to advancing education on indigenous issues, art, language, and culture will receive all proceeds from Muffin Fight’s first day.

Wishlist the game below for a reminder to grab the game on release to support Red Iron Labs and CIFRS.

The Team

Matthew Schreiner | Software Developer

Edmonton Digital Arts College (EDAC) Video Game Design program graduate

What was your favorite part about making Muffin Fight?

“I think my favorite part of Muffin Fight was the development journey. As Brady, Koan, and I are the newest/youngest employees at Red Iron, it was really empowering that Lloyd and Rosalinda [owners] gave us the freedom to take on a project and bring it to completion. It’s been a great opportunity learning and growing with everyone here and, yeah, I’m happy to work here”

Brady Harty | 3D Artist

Lethbridge College Multimedia Production program graduate

What was your favorite part about making Muffin Fight?

“Very early in development we talked about wanting to aim for a sort of “Gameshow” aesthetic. I really think we nailed it and that is my favorite part. So many elements had to come together to create that feeling and if one of them didn’t work the aesthetic wouldn’t be as strong as it is. I knew I wanted the models to be bright, colourful, and fun. That was the easiest part to start the foundations for the Gameshow feeling. How Koan and Matthew managed to get the gameplay to also compliment the overall aesthetic is beyond me, but they nailed it. The variety in muffin abilities, the fast pace and hectic music, the need to balance your attention between “Gathering / Combining / Cooking / Throwing / Dodging”, all of that is what perfectly ties together the Gameshow feeling in my eyes.”

Koan Grierson | Software Developer

Lethbridge College Virtual and Augmented Reality program graduate

What was your favorite part about making Muffin Fight?

“I think the simple act of mixing and baking the muffins is my favorite part of Muffin Fight. There’s something satisfying in putting together the ingredients and watching your creations pop into full-sized muffins in the oven. Matthew discovered at one point that if you pack enough of them in at the same time, they’ll even explode out the oven door like a little avalanche of baked goods! That’s the kind of cute and hilarious interaction that can really warm me up to an experience”

Wishlist The Game Today

Muffin Fight
Price: 6.49 CAD
Hi, I'm Craig. Creator of Alberta Makes Games and local advocate for game development.
I created the Calgary Game Developers meetup group in 2013 and have been a director for both Calgary Game Developers Association and Interactive Arts Alberta.

Thanks for checking out the site!

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