With curriculums updating/changing every year as well as new technologies emerging, this page will become outdated. As a result, look at the last updated note on each of the universities/colleges.

Alberta University of the Arts (previously ACAD)

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (4 years)

Unity, Oculus Rift, Blender

Results verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

Athabasca University

Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

Lethbridge College


Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

MacEwan University


Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Student Group
Game Creators Space

Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

University of Alberta

Student Group
The Games Den

RPG Maker MV (CMPUT250)

Other courses are flexible with software

“The certificate is given to students if they’ve taken the intro and capstone courses + 4 other game dev courses on graduation. There’s no time span for ‘completing’ it!”

Results verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

University of Calgary

Student Group
Game Design Club

Results not verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020

Red Deer College

www.rdc.ab.ca/animation (4 years)

“The Bachelor of Applied Arts in Animation and Visual Effects offers students 3D focused animation and visual effects training where they will develop artistic foundations and apply these to 3D animation processes using industry-relevant software. Students will be introduced early to the concepts of storyboarding, layout, color and light, digital sculpting, digital texture painting, compositing, and visual effects. Although this program does not dive into game development specifically, students will be well prepared to enter the game industry as 3D animators and we currently have a number of students in our program with that exact goal.”

Results verified by student or school contact
Last updated: September 9, 2020