Short Term (next 3-6 months)
Add Brand PageInclude logos and the like so others can easily find high resolution images for use in their material
Add Education pageIdentified several local universities and coursesLooking for additional resources (eg libraries)
Add Patreon pageLink out to the existing Patreon page
- Add Statistics page
Add Steam Curated pageLink out to the existing Steam curation page for Alberta games
Clean up spreadsheetCreate a bot for @ABMakesGamesDecided against this, going to use Hootsuite insteadCurrently spending hours every day moderating Twitter postsHootsuite helps by setting filters on #gamedev and by geolocation, but it won’t findnonhashtagged material
Create Developer Spotlight interviewsInterview video game developers and board game creators.
- Create a schedule to keep AMG updated
- Once a month:
- Update spreadsheet
- Update Steam curated list
- Update Patreon
- Update News page
- Add new games
- Once a month:
- Finish Studios page (
Adding in studio URLs- Denote if studio is closed
Redesign navigation barWith more links coming in, there is an immediate need to design better navigation
Replace Events page ( with amobile friendlytile design (
Update News page ( Game Jam 2019New World Interactive Open HousePress A to StartPatreonDAGA Design and Game Awards
Update Steam curation listUpdate Video Games page ( Keep motivated
Long Term (6 months to a year out)
- Find sponsorships
- Add Sponsors page
- Develop relationships
- Have promotional material printed
- Reliant on money coming in
Business cards- Vertical banner for events
- Keep motivated